Beautiful Flint River shoal bass being released back into the river.


Home > Fishing

Welcome to the fishing section of Get Outdoors South! Whether you’re a seasoned angler or just starting out, we’re here to provide you with all the information you need to make the most of your fishing trips. From tips on choosing the right equipment to tips and techniques from seasoned professionals, our goal is to help you catch more fish and have more fun on the water.

All Fishing Content

The author with a nice shoal bass and his favorite bait for catching them.

The 5 Best Lures for Shoal Bass Fishing

Shoal bass, a popular game fish native to the Southeast., are known for their aggressive nature and strong fighting ability. That, combined with the picturesque habitat in which they are…

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Photo of a large catfish caught in the Kentucky River on a carolina catfish rig.

Best Catfish Rigs for River Fishing

River fishing for catfish can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but to increase your chances of success, you need the right rig. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or just…

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Photo of a beautiful Shoal bass being released in the Flint River.

Shoal Bass Species Profile

Shoal Bass (Micropterus cataractae) are a lesser-known bass species to many anglers and fish enthusiasts. Those who are aware of them and live in an area where they exist rave about…

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